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The Untold tales of Mahabalipuram


Neha X Prashant

Neha & Prashant knew it that we are their man sunday for their Mahabalipuram pre wedding Shoot, do you know why? Because we have just been there and done that 100 times (No kidding). Flew all the way from Delhi to sulk in the tales scripted by this sculpting town- we also went a little overboard in dedication for the sculptures who sculpted the city - What you are going to read below is dedicated to all the sculptures of the heritage town, you may also find a few photos of them when you scroll down.
Life is a drama and we all are actors , agreed? Some say yes and some say nay.
All our years we have used Mahabalipuram extensively, we have used the epic beaches of the Mamallan empire, from the rundown ancient lighthouse to lord krishna's butter ball. But bottom down the heart we always felt that there is something that is missing, in the mission of finding the missing link while we were browsing through our previous works in Mahabalipuram - we found the real missing link are us, the ones who shaped Mahabalipuram what it is now.
Its the People !
We are shaping the place in capture the man made sculptures to the natures gift of the shoreline , but those days are the real stars who have spent their life time in shaping and breaking the rocks to form the best of its own kind.
You see, this one is dedicated for the men of hand and stone who has shaped Mahabalipuram, Neha and Prashant dropped down for this epic shoot, and here is one of them with the cornerstone of Mahabalipuram :)

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